Consent Annual Query APR
URL Endpoint:
Request Method: POST
Session Key is passed to the API via the header:
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
SessKey: A1842D663E9A4A72XXXXXXXX303541303234373138
Use this call to determine if the purchaser has a card on file. If you have created the consent (card on file) using a reference ID or PatientID then you can use the following Query to return an array of Consents ( Card On File Info ) for a particular patient with this PatientID:
F='213456')&&(H=1)&& (C>='01/21/2024') This will return consents with a particular PatientID which are still enabled and have not yet expired ( use todays date ).
You will want to present the user with the last 4 digits of each stored card so they can decide to choose a stored card or simply enter a new one. Easy Pay offers multiple ways of querying consent data. View the Query Guide for more details.
"Query": "(A=1)&&(J='07e77e99-b16e-4b0f-8935-8d28e3fa28ef')"
"ConsentAnnual_Query_AprResult": {
"Consents": [
"AcctFirstName": "MTIP08-1 DMC 13A",
"AcctLastName": "MTIP08-1 DMC 13A",
"AcctMask": "5457XXXXXXXX0012",
"CardExpDate": "1225",
"CardType": "MC",
"ConsentType": "A",
"CreatedOn": "\/Date(1642694960190-0500)\/",
"CustomerRefID": "197",
"EndDate": "\/Date(1767157200000-0500)\/",
"ExpiredConsent": false,
"ID": 386,
"IsEnabled": true,
"LimitLifeTime": 1000.0000,
"LimitPerCharge": 100.0000,
"MerchID": 1,
"ModifiedOn": "\/Date(-62135578800000-0500)\/",
"RPGUID": "07e77e99-b16e-4b0f-8935-8d28e3fa28ef",
"Remaining": 1000.0000,
"StartDate": "\/Date(1642654800000-0500)\/"
"ErrCode": 0,
"ErrMsg": "",
"FunctionOk": true,
"NumRecords": 1,
"RespMsg": "Successfully Returned Consent Records : 1"