Query International Transaction
URL Endpoint: https://easypay5.com/APIcardProcREST/v1.0.0/Intl/QueryTransaction
Request Method: POST
Session Key is passed to the API via the header:
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
SessKey: A1842D663E9A4A72XXXXXXXX303541303234373138
Query Strings:
EasyPay provides a robust query language which provides a means for you to obtain specific records.
In order to Create a Query you will build logical terms and join them with Logical AND or Logical OR.
Use && for Logical AND
Use || for Logical OR
For instance, Let's say you want to return all records from merchant record 1 which were created in JUNE.
HERE IS THE QUERY: (A=1)&&(C>='6/1/2024')&&(C<'7/1/2024') (notice that any TEXT or DATES use a single Quote delimiter while numeric items do not)
Each Letter represents a variable and the following chart shows each meaning.
A | MerchID |
B | Status |
C | CreatedON |
D | LastName |
E | Result |
F | TransID |
J | FirstName |
L | Amount |
Q | CardNum Last 4 |
W | ConsentID |
EasyPay stores a copy of the transactional data on its servers. For international transactions data is stored in such a way that we may have multiple records in our system for a single credit card authorization or OrderID. Two Fields of Interest are Result and Status.
Seq | OrderID | Action | Result | Status |
2 | 09B370DD | SALE | REDIRECT | 3DS |
The above table shows three records we record as we process a single transaction on the International Processing Servers. As you request transaction information you are most likely only interested in the last entry which shows SUCCESS and SETTLED as the other two are simply intermediate steps.
The following shows query enum values for RESULT and STATUS and ACTION
So, to return all Transactions which are successfully settled please use the following query:
Result ➔ E Use 1 for Success
Status ➔ B Use 3 for Settled
Your query now becomes the following
{"Query": "(B=3)&&(E=1)"
You can further limit your query by specifying a Date Range
{"Query": "(B=3)&&(E=1)&&(C>’2024-09-01’)"
If you want to limit your results to transactions which are REFUNDS then use ACTION CREDITVOID
Or specifically (G=2)
{"Query": "(B=3)&&(E=1)&&(C>'2024-09-01')&&(G=2)"
If you want to limit your results to transactions which are Processed from stored Card use ACTION RECURRING_SALE
Or specifically (G=3)
{"Query": "(B=3)&&(E=1)&&(C>'2024-09-01')&&(G=3)"
If you are looking for a particular transaction based on its unique TransID, you can do the following:
{"Query": "(F='328217c4-7059-11ef-a730-a6469c956913')&&(B=3)&&(E=1) "
This will return the transaction of interest without returning the intermediate steps as noted above.
If you want to query by Last name on a specific Date
{"Query": "(C>'2024-09-16')&&(C<'2024-09-17')&&(D='SMITH')&&(B=3)&&(E=1)"
If you are looking for a specific Amount
{"Query": "(L=4.44)&&(B=3)&&(E=1)"
If you are looking for a specific Amount within a date range
{"Query": "(L=4.44)&&(C>'2024-09-16')&&(C<'2024-09-17')&&(B=3)&&(E=1)"
If you are looking for a particular Card Number ( use last 4 digits ) for settled records
{"Query": "(Q='1111')&&(B=3)&&(E=1)"
If you are looking for a particular Reference ID
{"Query": "(M='ABC 888')&&(B=3)&&(E=1)"
If you are looking for a particular saved card transaction based on the ConsentID
{"Query": "(W='c30eca54-75c1-11ef-b9e6-7aa481e33aa5')&&(B=3)&&(E=1)"
"Query": "(F='328217c4-7059-11ef-a730-a6469c956913')&&(B=3)&&(E=1) "
"Intl_Transaction_QueryResult": {
"ErrCode": 0,
"ErrMsg": "",
"FunctionOk": true,
"NumRecords": 1,
"RespMsg": "Successfully Returned Transaction Records : 1",
"Transactions": [
"Action": "SALE",
"Address": "generating sale",
"Amount": 0,
"Card": "0042",
"Card_Expiration_Date": "12\/2025",
"Card_Token": "",
"City": "Auburn",
"Country": "US",
"CreatedOn": "\/Date(1726071401083-0400)\/",
"Currency": null,
"Decline_Reason": "",
"Descriptor": "",
"Email": ndraper@easypaysolutions.com,
"Fname": "Nancy",
"ID": 570,
"Lname": "Draper",
"MerchID": 1,
"Order_ID": "B7A6A9DF",
"Phone": "",
"PostalCode": "32658",
"REFID": "",
"RPGUID": "",
"Recurring_Token": "",
"Result": "SUCCESS",
"Schedule_ID": null,
"State": "ME",
"Status": "SETTLED",
"Trans_Date": "Sep 11 2024 4:16PM",
"Trans_ID": "328217c4-7059-11ef-a730-a6469c956913",
"bank_date": null,
"chargeback_date": null,
"reason_code": null