This method creates both an ACH sale and consent. To create a consent only without processing the sale, set the Amount to zero.
For member variable "AccountType" use the following values:
Personal Checking = 1
Personal Saving = 2
Business Checking = 3
Business Saving = 4
"ChargeDetails": {
"AccountNumber": "878460000277",
"RoutingNumber": "211274515",
"Amount": 30.50,
"AccountType": 1/*validvaluesare1-4*/
"AcctHolder": {
"Firstname": "Sally",
"Lastname": "APIACH",
"Company": "",
"Title": "",
"Url": "",
"BillIngAdress": {
"Address1": "123 Test Road",
"Address2": "",
"City": "Portland",
"State": "ME",
"ZIP": "04005",
"Country": "USA"
"Email": "",
"Phone": "8775558472"
"EndCustomer": {
"Firstname": "Sally",
"Lastname": "APIACH",
"Company": "",
"Title": "",
"Url": "",
"BillIngAdress": {
"Address1": "123 Test Road",
"Address2": "",
"City": "Portland",
"State": "ME",
"ZIP": "04005",
"Country": "USA"
"Email": "",
"Phone": "8775558472"
"PurchItems": {
"ServiceDescrip": "FROM API TESTER",
"ClientRefID": "12456AA",
"RPGUID": "3d3424a6-c5f3-4c28"
"MerchID": 1
"ACHTransaction_ComboResult": {
"AuthID": "69017501",
"ConsentID": 1247,
"ErrCode": 0,
"ErrMsg": "",
"FunctionOk": true,
"RespMsg": "TxID 1381 Approved and ConsentID 1247 Created ",
"TxApproved": true,
"TxID": 1381,
"uniqueTranID": "16790131F349BCBA"